domestic (adj.)

early 1400 century., “prepared or made in the house,” from Old French domestique (14c.) and directly from Latin domesticus “belonging to the household,” from domus “house,” from PIE *dom-o- “house,” from root *dem- “house, household.”

From 1610s as “relating to or belonging to the home or household affairs.” From 1650s as “attached to home, devoted to home life.” Meaning “pertaining to a nation (considered as a family), internal to one’s country” is from 1540s. Of animals, “tame, living under the care of humans,” from 1610s. Related: Domestically.

The noun meaning “a household servant” is from 1530s (a sense also found in Old French domestique); the full phrase servaunt domestical is attested in English from mid-15c. Domestics, originally “articles of home manufacture,” is attested from 1620s; in 19c. U.S. use especially “home-made cotton cloths.” Domestic violence is attested from 19c. as “revolution and insurrection;” 1977 as “spouse abuse, violence in the home.”

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the Legislature, or of the executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. [Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution, 1787]

Special Thanks to O Great Mother

Source: O
oxford dictionary

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