home (n.)
Old English ham “dwelling place, house, abode, fixed residence; estate; village; region, country,” from Proto-Germanic *haimaz “home” (source also of Old Frisian hem “home, village,” Old Norse heimr “residence, world,” heima “home,” Danish hjem, Middle Dutch heem, German heim “home,” Gothic haims “village”), from PIE *(t)koimo-, suffixed form of root *tkei- “to settle, dwell, be home.” As an adjective from 1550s. The old Germanic sense of “village” is preserved in place names and in hamlet.
‘Home‘ in the full range and feeling of [Modern English] home is a conception that belongs distinctively to the word home and some of its Gmc. cognates and is not covered by any single word in most of the IE languages. [Buck]
Slang phrase make (oneself) at home “become comfortable in a place one does not live” dates from 1892 (at home “at one’s ease” is from 1510s). To keep the home fires burning is a song title from 1914. To be nothing to write home about “unremarkable” is from 1907. Home movie is from 1919; home computer is from 1967. Home stretch (1841) is from horse racing (see stretch (n.)). Home economics as a school course first attested 1899; the phrase itself by 1879 (as “household management” is the original literal sense of economy, the phrase is etymologically redundant).
Home as the goal in a sport or game is from 1778. Home base in baseball attested by 1856; home plate by 1867. Home team in sports is from 1869; home field “grounds belonging to the local team” is from 1802 (the 1800 citation in OED 2nd ed. print is a date typo, as it refers to baseball in Spokane Falls). Home-field advantage attested from 1955.
1765, “to go home,” from home (n.). Meaning “be guided to a destination by radio signals, etc.” (of missiles, aircraft, etc.) is from 1920; it had been used earlier in reference to pigeons (1862). Related: Homed; homing. Old English had hamian “to establish in a home.”
late 14c., “of or belonging to home or household, domestic,” from Middle English hom “home” (see home (n.)) + -ly (1). Sense of “plain, unadorned, simple” (as domestic scenes often were) is late 14c., and extension to “having a plain appearance, without particular beauty of features, crude” took place c. 1400, but survived chiefly in U.S., especially in New England, where it was the usual term for “physically unattractive;” ugly meaning typically “ill-tempered.” In the old sense of “domestic, of or pertaining to domestic life,” homish (1560s) and homelike (1789) have been used.
“action of going home,” 1765, in reference to pigeons, verbal noun from home (v.). Of aircraft, later missiles, from 1923. Homing pigeon attested by 1868.
also homefront, 1918, from home (n.) + front (n.) in the military sense. A term from World War I; popularized (if not coined) by the agencies running the U.S. propaganda effort.
The battle front in Europe is not the only American front. There is a home front, and our people at home should be as patriotic as our men in uniform in foreign lands. [promotion for the Fourth Liberty Loan appearing in U.S. magazines, fall 1918]
“one not given to roaming or travel,” 1834, from adjectival phrase stay-at-home (1797); see stay (v.1). Especially, in the U.S. Civil War, a disparaging name for an eligible man not volunteering for service. Compare the Middle English surname of Thomas Steyhame, 1381.
1853, from home-brewed (1711); see home (n.) + brew (v.).
also homepage, 1993, from home (n.) + page (n.1).
1860, originally in reference to Ireland, from home (n.) + rule (n.).
1856, from home (n.) + run (n.).
Source: O
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